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Easy Recipe: Spinach Pancetta Quiche

Don’t you love a slice of cold quiche on a hot day? This recipe is so perfect for a summer cool-down. It’s easy, it’s fast, and it’s SO YUM. In case you’ve never had it, a quiche is a savory custard with a pie crust or, as my son puts it: scrambled egg pie. From the outside looking in, quiche seems like a sophisticated recipe, but it isn’t. It really is just a scrambled egg pie. What I love the most is that just like your favorite omelet, you can add in any bits and pieces of food that are left in the fridge to make something new and [...]

2021-07-03T19:07:36+00:00By |Uncategorized|0 Comments

Chorizo Frittata

Frittatas are like your favorite pair of jeans, no matter what time of the day it is, they're always just right.  They're so easy to put together with anything you've got in your fridge, really. This recipe is one of my favorites. The porky hit of paprika from the Spanish chorizo paired with the gooey nuttiness of the manchego and the creamy tang of the buttermilk is irresistible. Of course, you can't just throw everything together. You've got to brown the chorizo and potatoes and coax the flavor out of your onions and garlic, but that doesn't take long and the reward is well worth the effort. I use [...]

#StopFoodWaste: Eggshell Tea

A big reason to #StopFoodWaste is to curb the amount of food that makes it to landfills. As wasted food breaks down it produces greenhouse gases like methane and CO2 that are released into our atmosphere, spurring climate change. The Food And Agriculture Organization conducted a groundbreaking global study on food waste and reported that food produced and not eaten creates about 3.3 billion tons of CO2.  That makes food waste the third top emitter of greenhouse gases after the USA and China. That's INSANITY right?? The good news is that every little bit of food that you keep out of your trash helps curb food waste's carbon footprint. I've [...]

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