Home/Tag: food waste

#StopFoodWaste: Leftover Coffee Mug Cake

If you aren't a coffee drinker props to you for being OK with going through life without one of THE BEST THINGS IN THE WORLD. If you're anything like me though, you enjoy a few cups every single day of your existence. There may be crazy times when you just can't drink it all and where you find yourself with a bit of leftover go-go juice. Don't you throw that cold java away! At the very least fill an ice cube tray with it and freeze it for amazing iced coffee. I prefer to put in a few more minutes of work and make myself a little leftover coffee mug [...]

#StopFoodWaste: Eggshell Tea

A big reason to #StopFoodWaste is to curb the amount of food that makes it to landfills. As wasted food breaks down it produces greenhouse gases like methane and CO2 that are released into our atmosphere, spurring climate change. The Food And Agriculture Organization conducted a groundbreaking global study on food waste and reported that food produced and not eaten creates about 3.3 billion tons of CO2.  That makes food waste the third top emitter of greenhouse gases after the USA and China. That's INSANITY right?? The good news is that every little bit of food that you keep out of your trash helps curb food waste's carbon footprint. I've [...]

#StopFoodWaste: Apples

What would you do if you were walking out of the grocery store with four bags full of food and someone grabbed one of them and dumped the whole thing in the trash?  Would you yell for help? Would you chase after them? Would you be angry? What if I told you this is exactly what happens every time you walk out of the grocery store, except the person throwing away your food is YOU. The stats are out and they make my stomach turn: the average American family throws out a quarter of the food it buys each year. That adds up to $1500 a year according to folks [...]

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